Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Read Aloud Plans Week 4

Those of you that are planning reading this week.  I posted my Week 4 Read-Aloud Lesson Plans here, just to give you an idea of how I plan during the school year.  Keep in mind that as I plan, I visualize what this will look like in my classroom...thinking through my exact students, what keeps them engaged, etc.  I also post-it note my read aloud books as reminders for me about what I'm going to say and when. 

As you grow as a teacher, you won't need to script lessons.  BUT you still need to think through what you're saying, when you're saying it, how you'll say it, and why you'll say it.  Post-it notes, visualizing the lesson, taking bullet-point notes, writing out questions, prepping my anchor charts that include key points, preparing my vocabulary words/wall, and prepping the activities and worksheets that go with the read aloud are all critical in being well-prepared and ready to teach.  So I may not write out scripts, but I 100% think through the text enough to internalize what I'm teaching. :)

I hope these plans help you as you plan and tweak your lessons...look for Kagan strategies (like Fan and Pick) and other engagement strategies!  Check out the worksheets that I will collect at the end of my lessons too. :)

As always...come ask me questions if you have them!

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